Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm back

Well, I am back. I was gone for 5 weeks and worked hard every day.

I haven't really been able to get out of the house (no juicy extra-marital stories to tell) for a little while, I really haven't had a reason to, yet. But it is nice to be home. I took a week off work right away and vegged out in the house, went out with the wife a few times to party with friends, and made up for being gone over the holidays with family.

There is some more to come, I haven't been totally celibate since I returned home, the wife and I did have some catching up to do.


A Secret Freak said...

I have seriously missed you! Things were so boring in your absence! But, at least you were there to fill my dreams..
I have a few things to discuss with you!.. Like how and when we will be naked together!

Hubman said...

Good to see you again, figurative speaking, of course...

Welcome back